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Contact Armand

Let’s get this creative party started right now!

Contact Armand, he is pleasantly delighted to see emails from fans of his works! Check out his FAQ’s for release dates for Timeless 2. If you are interested in creating something new, inquiries are encouraged and subscribe to his blog to see how you can have Armand critique your original story. Take a look at his work and you will see the commitment to the industry and consistent quality!

Contact via Email, or visit Armand on your favorite social network!

Contact via Email, or visit Armand on your favorite social network!

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Contact Armand Baltazar


Exciting ideas, characters, settings, conflicts, solutions, Armand is all ears! A brainstorming session is a shockingly good idea, a move in the light direction!


A pigment of your imagination started to blossom! After your brainstorming session, now you have some concept art to create! Share your concepts, receive critique!


I was going to make a joke about a broken pencil… but it’s pointless! Your concepts turned to drawings, turned to painting! Way to go, you’re doing a great daub.


With professional guidance, you’ve become a storyteller! Share your journey with Armand, encourage your friends and experience the achievement of storytelling!

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